Tuesday, February 27, 2007

25th Anniversary

Today is our 25th Anniversary!!! Like Curt says: Lots of Joy, Lots of Work!!! We are such good workers...
So here is a memory lane day with pictures of who we were then
A lot has happened in those 25 years and hopefully a lot more is still coming.
So here we were.... More later


leknox said...

Hi Roxane,
What a gorgeous couple! Congratulations on your 25th anniversity. Beachs, warm weather, Rubens and Botticelli; sounds like heaven.

roxanestoner said...

Hi Linda

Thank you!!! Those were the days. We did have a wonderful celebration in a restaurant that has two stars in the Michelin Guide. What an experience of a lifetime. Are you planning on going to retreat? I am.
CU later