Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Fifty Six

What happen when you turn an extra year older in one day but you were inching to it slowly and did not notice. The scale is moving down toward the earth and the view gets clearer and clearer from now on. Only so many moments to cherish and so many new things to try, so many books that you will ever be able to read. Life takes on a different perspective. Do not prolongate what has not been done. Do it now. Live for the joy of breathing in and out the essence of life. Those beautiful last days ahead provide a sense of purpose, a calmness of things deserved and coming to fruit. So I walk on this beach of bliss where my toes anchor in its diamonds, the water coming closer as I walk and I will continue on that shore looking at many sunsets and full moon, until the light goes out and I will rest for the long night. 

1 comment:

Iliana said...

A happy belated birthday! Hope you are cherishing every bit of life. We often forget to do that and it's important to be present in it!